Exhibition; Japanese, 国宝 興福寺仏塔展

 I visited Exhibition.


Name; Exhibition Commemorating the 1300th Anniversary of

the Founding of Kohfukuji(興福寺): The National Treasure

Butto (Buddha Head)(仏塔) of Yakushi Nyorai(薬師如来) and

Masterpieces from Kohfukuji.

(名前; 興福寺創建1300記念 国宝 興福寺仏塔展)


Venue; "The University Art Museum, Tokyo University of the Arts

in Taito-ku, Tokyo, Japan.

(場所; 東京都台東区の東京芸術大学美術館)

Dates; September 2013.

(日付; 2013年9月)


Impression; It's Ok.

(感想; まあまあ。かな)




Guide to this exhibition. (国宝 興福寺仏塔展のごあんない)

Exhibition commemorating the 1300th anniversary of Kohfukuji:The National Treasure Butto (Buddha Head) of Yakushi Nyorai and Masterpieces from Kohfukuji